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Immigration Lawyers are Essential to Process of Becoming Australian

Australia is one of the world’s most desired countries to live in. Would-be migrants or visa-seekers should retain an immigration lawyer in Australia to facilitate the process of becoming a citizen. There are a number of different types of immigration to the country, with different visa classifications. An experienced lawyer can help a migrant select the best visa category for their client’s immigration.

The various classifications for seeking citizenship all have strict parameters. They range from migrants who also have permanent residence status in Australia, to New Zealanders already living in the country. There are also a various number of family categories, for example, children born outside the country to an Australian citizen.

Visa categories range from Skilled Occupation visas to Student visas. Employment and family visas are often precursors to full citizenship but they also require the applicant to live four years in Australia, with one as a permanent resident.

There are many categories, many rules and regulations which are always changing. The complexity of immigration matters underlines the need for qualified assistance. Experienced immigration lawyers in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney or Perth can best guide through the red tape.
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 Finding an Immigration Lawyer


There is no substitute for experience, and anyone seeking to take up residence in Australia is well-advised to seek out the services of our experienced immigration lawyers. A track record of successfully dealing with immigration and visa files is essential, as the law is complex and changing, as are the categories for visas and citizenship eligibility.


Employment visas can often lead to full Australian citizenship.  The applicant choosing this route must have lived in Australia for at least four years and achieved the status of ‘permanent residence’ for at least one year.  The working visas are most often given to skilled workers, based on a points system.  Often, the individual states sponsor the visas in order to recruit workers with the skills needed at that time, for their particular region.


Family visas are usually granted on the basis of family ties – parents who are Australian, families already with citizenship, children adopted by an Australian parent and so on.  There are also categories for contributory parents and spouses.


Student Visas are Offered


Student visas are the government’s way of encouraging foreign students to come to Australia to continue their studies.  There are a number of categories of these, and most of them require some sort of proof of a standing offer to study at an educational institution.


In addition, there are investor, humanitarian and refugee visas.


The Australian government and community also supply a number of migration and settlement support services, which can be accessed.  These range from English language courses to programs supplying material assistance and advice.  They are all helpful but the services of our immigration lawyers in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane is the most sure-fire way of propelling a visa claim or application for citizenship.
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